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I started this venture in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was at it's peak and everyday life was difficult for everyone especially children. We were all suddenly forced to stay away from our friends and loved ones, to limit our trips to the grocery store, to refrain from going to the movies, and to alter our daily lives altogether. Simply going outside required people to not only wear a mask, but also to maintain their distance from one another, something scary, unfamiliar, and difficult to comprehend. Hearing about an eighth grader who lost both his parents to COVID, I decided to do something and founded  Birthday Boxes, putting together and delivering birthday gifts for foster care children. Each box contains a birthday card, a motivational quote, a hand-crafted origami crane, a hand-woven friendship bracelet, an educational brain teaser, a face mask, and a sweet treat. My goal is to extend love and joy to these children, to let them know they are not forgotten, to let them feel that there is a compassionate community standing beside them, and that they should have hope throughout these times because they matter. I started by making 10-15 boxes every month, but that wasn’t enough to meet the need, so I expanded my project to my high school, creating the “Birthday Boxes Club”. As president of the club my goal was to recruit others who would spread the love and dedication for our cause and help me grow our reach. As of April 2024, my Birthday Boxes organization has reached over six hundred individual children in foster care, a testament to the power of an idea, nurtured by love, and fueled by the strength of our community.      

-- Valentina C. Ramdas (founder)


"The birthday boxes project has been well received. Our children are always surprised to

receive your gifts and our foster parents have shared how wonderful it is that you take

time to remember our children’s birthday and bring joy to all that they have been through.”

Lavern Harry

Graham Windham House

VP for Preventive, Foster Care & Adoption

“I was so excited to hear about Valentina’s Birthday Box efforts! What an amazing project

for her to start and sustain for over two years!"

Laura Jo Anderson

Graham Windham House

Development Specialist

“Valentina, everyone at 

Graham we have told about the Birthday Boxes has been blown away by your organization, generosity, and persistence with this project. Thank you so much for bringing joy to our children. And it’s even more amazing that you are creating a club at school to keep this volunteer work going!"

Mayra Pacheco

Graham Windham House

Special Events & Volunteer Coordinator



355 East 72nd Street

New York, NY 10021


Valentina Ramdas

Tel: 917-881-4188​


*We Are Not For Profit

All donations are used to purchase items for birthday boxes.

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